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بيوكانغ يول: كريم مرطب

  • 8.000 KD
شامل الضريبة.

مرطب قوي وفعال لجميع انواع البشرة، وخاصة لتلك المعرضة لحب الشباب، الدهنية والحساسة.مصنوع من مكونات آمنة ولطيفة فتركيبته اللطيفة سهلة الإمتصاص وتؤمن ملمسا ناعما خاليا من اللمعان واللزوجة.

:طريقة الاستعمال

بعد التنظيف والتونر ضعي الكريم وربتي بلطف حتى تمتصه البشرة بالكامل.

بيونكانغ يول: كريم مرطب 100 مل.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
A favorite

This product added this nice glow to my skin and it always feels so fresh even without any makeup application. I use it in the morning and evening, and my sensitive skin loves it.

Ankita Lall
I call it the hydrater

The cream absorbs into the skin like water on sponge. It leaves your skin feeling soft and supple like a buttered bun. It can save your skin like an oasis in the desert.
Just buy it... u won't regret it!

Nourhan Hamdi

I love Seoul Koooool

Doaa Al Najjar
5 star product

Love it supper smoth, fast absorbant, none allergic and amazing at moisturising, my sister has an extremely ensitive skin and has tried so many moisturisers but nothing worked except for Pyunkang Yul. Its like magic. I ha e came across it by accident and has been promoting it ever since my first purchase. And i love that it's worth my money, its a great size to accommodate 4 sisters daily use, for a month or two. My ssiters and me, we all can't live withour it now.